Welcome to Trail Run Earth!
Welcome to Trail Run Earth!
We have created this site to share our passion for trail running and provide a resource of information to help you get out there and enjoy all the amazing benefits for mind and body. With so much disconnect in our world today we feel trail running is the perfect sport to reconnect with nature and ultimately yourself.
We aim to continually add topics on all things trail running including technique, fitness, gear reviews, race and trail reviews and help provide motivation and inspiration. We also focus on leading a healthy and earth conscious life around trail running and how the two are intrinsically connected.
Andrew and Lisa are a husband and wife team and running has always been a big part of their lives. They share a combined interest in the outdoors, travel and fitness and love how trail running brings all their favourite things together.
Andrew was a competitive runner from an early age and found it always came naturally to him. In his late 30’s he discovered Triathlon and did quite well in the age group division, even qualifying for the World Championships on several occasions. He has extensive knowledge and experience on all aspects of running training and cross training to support this. When a back injury meant a prolonged stop to intensive training, he rediscovered the joy of trail running.
Although Lisa has been told she looks like a runner she has never found it to come naturally! Lisa also became involved in triathlon but on a much more social level and always found the run leg her least favourite. Whenever she had the opportunity to run on trails or in a forest it immediately became immensely more enjoyable. She finds it the perfect balance of fitness and mindfulness.
Trail Run Earth is a shared passion project where we hope to inspire and inform people from all walks of life to push their comfort zone, reconnect with nature and live their healthiest life. We aim to provide a resource of information on all things trail running and will continually add more content to help you progress in your trail running adventures.
Don’t forget to check out the blog too! You can follow along on Andrew’s long road back from injury where he was unable to run at all to following his training progress as he works towards the goal of competing at the 2020 UTMB’s OCC Race with a distance of 52.4km and 3300metres ascent.
We would love to hear from you! If you ever have any questions or just want to say hi, feel free to leave a comment below.
All the best,
Trail Run Earth