Trail Running Training – Week 12

Trail Running Training – Week 12

Long run

Week 12 is done with another high mileage week in the bank. No swimming again this week, just the morning dips in the ocean after my morning runs. My upper back is still a little stiff for some reason, not sure why. It’s not affecting my running at all, I just want it to be gone before doing any swimming .

Like the week before I managed to do some good longer runs to help build up my endurance ready for the competitions ahead. My long runs that were originally around the 15-20km are now becoming regular runs for me and my long runs will soon be 25-40km.

This is how the week went –

Monday AM E Run 2.5km 40m
Tuesday AM T Trail Run 15.2km 294m
Wednesday AM T Run 13km 60m
Wednesday PM E run 5.7km 105m
Wednesday Night E Run 9km 80m
Thursday AM E run 9.3km 65m
Friday AM T Run 12.2km 134m
Friday PM Moderate Trail Run 20.5km 334m
Saturday AM T Run 21.2km 100m
Sunday AM T Run 12km 31m
TOTAL 120.5km 1242m

Strava Stats

Although my elevation gain for this week was lower I plan to increase my leg, butt and core workouts in the on coming weeks. As the stress on my body increases with the bigger weeks now, I need to make sure my legs are strong enough to withstand these increases.

My strength exercises will be a solid 4-5 days per week. I really need to be strict with myself in this area as I have been slack in the past with this and I therefore run the risk of injury. This is even more so the case in this preparation as I’m doing more running miles per week than I ever have.

When doing triathlon I was training more hours, but was doing three different disciplines . When just training for running alone it is the same stresses on the same areas over and over again, so this is why it is so important.

So here’s looking towards the weeks ahead.

Happy Running,



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