Trail Running Quotes – Ten Quotes to Inspire You to Explore
What Do Trail Running Quotes Do For Me?
For me, trail running quotes are those that either inspire me to get out there and explore and appreciate the trail or provide me that extra push I need when things get tough.
Motivational Quotes
I’m not a fan of motivational quotes in general, as they have been done to death and have therefore lost some of their value. In saying that, there are quotes out there that really resonate and give you that extra lift and purpose. These rare gems are priceless.
Related post: How to Stay Motivated For Exercise
When it Means Something to You
Certain quotes will hold a higher value to different people depending on their circumstance, their history and what they are currently going through. When I stumble upon a quote that that hits a chord I try to keep hold of it. Whether that is taking a screenshot or writing it in my notes or even a mental note. Recalling these little snippets of inspiration at the right time can be what gives me that extra drive I needed, such as in a difficult point in a race.
Do you love quotes? If you want more check out brainyquotes.com
Trail Running Quotes
Below I have gathered together ten of my current favourite trail running quotes. When I say current I mean they can definitely change over time depending on my circumstance, mood or need for a certain type of motivation.
I would love to hear what your favourite trail running quotes are, or any motivational or inspirational quote that has a special meaning for you. Please leave me a comment below! I hope you enjoy my little collection 🙂
Here are my favourite quotes to inspire you to explore:
I hope you enjoyed these quotes as much as I did. If just one gives you that little bit of motivation you are looking for, or even just brightens your day I am super pleased. Do you have a favourite? Let me know in the comments below.
Happy Trails!
Lisa 🙂
10 thoughts on “Trail Running Quotes – Ten Quotes to Inspire You to Explore”
Hi Lisa,
Thank you for these quotes, they are definitely motivational! My favourite would be “I run because I can…”
Today I was out for 16km through the marshes, although I did make the mistake of wearing road shoes rather than trail shoes – oops!
I will return for more inspiration soon, as I suspect my outdoor running in the UK will soon be curtailed as part of the fight against Corona Virus.
Hi Lisa!
I’m so glad to hear you got some motivation from these!
Well done on the run, nice one! Certainly crazy and scary times right now. Our sacred right to head out on the trails will not ever be taken for granted again. Stay safe and thanks for your comment 🙂
What a terrific selection of quotes. I´m a Neale Donald Walsch fan so its not surprising that I like the quote about life starting at the end of your comfort zone. But all of them are terrific, e.g. “go where you feel most alive”. “& into the Forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul”. Terrific site and highly motivational. I have bookmarked it for when I need a motivational quote. Have a great day and keep safe.
Hi Trevor!
Thank-you for your comments, I’m so glad you got something from it! And to you also, stay safe and all the best.
Thanks for those inspirational quotes, I can definitely relate to some of them.
My favourite one is about life beginning at the end of our comfort zone.
If we don’t change something in our lives, if we don’t face our fears, it will always stay the same and we’ll end up stuck .
Take care and stay safe xxx
I absolutely agree, it is here where real change can happen in more ways than just the physical. Wishing you well in these troubling times and thank-you for your comment 🙂
Awesome! I love motivational quotes. “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone” . This one I have not heard. Although I am not a runner, I enjoyed your site. Vibrant and well planned.
Thank you for the post.
Thank-you Gabrielle! Yes, what I like about many motivational quotes is that they can apply to many areas of our lives. Thanks for your comment 🙂
“There’s an uphill for every downhill, and a downhill for every uphill” It’s a challenge to get to the top but falling from the top downwards can be very easy. You are right there are those quotes that are motivational and revives your spirit especially when you feel down or lost. They somewhat ignite your inner light. Thanks for sharing
How beautifully said Maggie! Thank-you for your lovely comment, I love your perspective on this 🙂